Dialogprogramm 2019

Podiumsdiskussion: Culture and Race


Datum: Freitag, 12. Juli 2019

Diskussion: 16:00 – 22:00 Uhr

Ort: Laaerberg, „Festwiese“
1100 Wien.


1. Wir diskutieren „Was wäre, wenn all interkulturelle Beziehungen der Menschen zermürbenden Probleme mit demselben Enthusiasmus, wie die Forderung und Durchsetzung von Integrationspolitik, bearbeitet werden würden“. 


2. Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Rasse, Kultur, Ethnie, Glaubensbekenntnis, Hautfarbe und Nationalität?


3. Is it possible to rethink the way we imagine race and culture? 



Cultural and racial diversity may lead some individuals and societies to form prejudices about members of a particular culture or race and to practice discrimination. The term culture refers to ideas, behaviors, beliefs, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted between generations. While cultural differences may also include racial differences, much diversity exists within one culture and within one race. 

Race is genetically determined and refers to one’s ancestry. Ethnicity, which refers to people’s common traits, background, and allegiances (developed because of culture or religion), is learned from family, friends, and experiences. Only a small percentage of human genetic variation is due to racial differences; much more variation occurs between individuals within such groups. Psychologists are interested in identifying group differences (cultural diversity) as well as individual differences because that knowledge helps in understanding behavior. 

Since all humans can learn and adapt, it is hoped that acceptance and understanding can replace prejudice and discrimination. To help in achieving this goal, the educational system has introduced courses on and disseminated information about cultural diversity and has included more faculty members of the less prevalent (minority) races and cultures. Cultures vary widely in their rules for acceptable and expected behavior as well as in the ways they guide the development of the individual. Knowing people from different cultures is one of the most effective ways of combating the formation of negative stereotypes and the development of prejudice. Courses on the psychology of racism examine the major terms and issues in psychology that pertain to race and racism in the United States and the general principles of racism that are universal. 



Difference Between Race and Culture

Race vs Culture


Race and culture refers to people, groups, and their classifications although both words are very different in how they classify people. To start with the concept of race and culture, it is important to know what each of them mean. “Race” is a classification of people according to their physical appearances, geographic ancestry, and heritable characteristics. “Culture” is a classification of people according to their beliefs and values that include spirituality, religion, region, language, and livelihoods.

“Race” is acquired genes and physical characteristics. Like when your parents are black, of course you are black too. Or if your parents are Asian, then you definitely will be an Asian too. While for “culture,” these are not transmitted by genes but through symbols made by humans that gave meaning to it.

“Race” is a label given to people based on their physical characteristics and skin tone while culture is a shared belief and values such as the notion of good versus bad and right versus wrong.

A person’s race can be determined through their physical traits and through their biological family. It is a label that is given to someone whether they want it or not. Culture can be determined on how we express ourselves, on our spiritual beliefs, and how we see things. It is not based on physical characteristics but the way of life of a person.

There are also many conflicts under race and culture, such us discrimination among the two different parties. People criticize other people with different races and label them with unpleasant words which is called racism. In “culture,” people also criticize other people with different beliefs and values with conflicting ideas on the moral code resulting in a cultural war. The only way to avoid such conflicts is when people respect the race and culture of others.

In conclusion, “race” is based on physical appearance while “culture” is based on beliefs, values, and life symbols. People with the same race may have different cultures, and people with the same culture may have different races.


1. Race and culture are both classifications of people.

2. “Race” is classified according to physical appearances while “culture” is classified according to the beliefs and values of people.

3. Race is hereditary while culture is not transmitted through genes but through symbols.

4. “Race” is a label given to people based on their appearance while “culture” are shared beliefs and values.

5. A person’s race can be determined through their physical appearance and skin tone while culture and be determined in the expressing of oneself, spirituality, and perception.

6. Racism is labeling people with unpleasant names related to their physical characteristics. Culture wars occur when there are conflicts between the beliefs and values of two different groups.

7. Respect will resolve all the conflicts of race and culture.

8. People with the same race can have a different culture while people with the same culture can have different races.

9. In conclusion, “race” is based on physical appearance while “culture” is based on beliefs, values, and symbols.



Race and culture issues in mental health and some thoughts on ethnic identity



In multicultural environments like the US, Canada, and the UK, mental health care systems must serve the needs of increasingly diverse populations. Yet, our capacity to do so is affected by systemic and institutionalized racism that has affected psychiatry and mental health treatment since its inception. This review of a history of racism and its influence on the models we use to treat racial and ethnic minority people raises possibilities of how a contemporary anti-racist mental health approach can address contemporary understandings of race, ethnicity, and culture.



Therapy with intercultural couples: A postmodern approach



Intercultural couples may present many dilemmas for therapists. It is suggested that ideas from postmodern narrative therapy such as adopting a collaborative, curious stance, generating alternative understandings, encouraging a both/and stance, and searching for liberating traditions within each culture may be helpful with therapists working with intercultural couples.